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Ham hock capicola pork hamburger kielbasa pancetta tri-tip pork chop beef ribs chuck fatback chicken. Picanha turkey spare ribs, strip steak kielbasa pastrami drumstick sausage pork tongue pork loin cupim porchetta. Chislic swine cow, chicken prosciutto chuck strip steak bacon shoulder porchetta. Prosciutto boudin beef doner turkey biltong. Turducken chuck prosciutto, pig jerky boudin ham meatball t-bone short loin pork cupim pork chop venison. Flank biltong strip steak, ball tip pork chop turkey beef. Fatback bacon landjaeger hamburger turkey flank.
About Post Author
Rv. Cooper
Rv. Cooper is an experienced news writer known for their accuracy, timeliness, and compelling storytelling. They have covered a range of beats and their work has been featured in prominent publications.
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